
Kuih Koci

Kuih Kochi or Koci found in Javanese and Malay cuisine, made from glutinous rice flour, and filling with coconut and palm sugar. In Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore, this snack is often as a dessert and can be eaten anytime. This recipe shows you make a delicious kuih koci.

Nutrition Facts

Serving size : 140g
Servings : 7
Calories : 560
Fat : 10.1g
Protein : 5.2g

  • 300g glutinous rice flour
  • 15g tapioca flour
  • 15g sugar
  • 10g oil
  • 150g coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 75g pandan juice (add till the dough is combined)

Brushing Skin
  • About 150g Coconut milk
  • Some banana leaves

  • 250g grated coconut
  • 100g gula melaka / brown sugar (depends on your flavour)
  • 50g sugar 
  • 125g water
  • a pandan knot
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch with 1 tbsp of water

  1. Mix everything for the dough till well combined. Set it aside and cover with a damp cloth prevent drying.
  2. For the filling, cook the sugar and gula melaka with water till dissolved add in the pandan knot, salt and grated coconut.
  3. Cook till the grated coconut cooked through and dry then add in the cornstarch water. Mix well and set aside to cool.
  4. Divide the dough about 40 g each and wrap the filling about 20-30 g depends on your taste.
  5. Cut the banana leaves about 7-inch length and 5-inch width.
  6. Wrap the dough after brushing with coconut milk then roll the leaves like a cone shape then put in the dough.
  7. Wrap like nasi lemak wrapping. Use a toothpick to secure the opening.
  8. Steam the kuih koci for 10-15 mins.

Tips :
  • Do not over steam cuz it will cause the banana leaves to expand and becoming other shapes.

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