
Serimuka V2.0

Seri Muka or Kuih Putri Salat is a Malaysian two-layered kuih with steamed glutinous rice forming the bottom half and a green custard layer made with pandan juice. Coconut milk is the main ingredient of making this kuih. In Singapore it is known as Kuih Putri Salat. This is the version 2.0 which we add some bluepea flower juice to the glutinous rice.

Nutrition Facts

Serving size : 230g
Servings : 10
Calories : 296
Fat : 10.5g
Protein : 5.4g

Bottom Layer
  • 300g glutinous rice
  • 170g coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • a pandan knot
  • some concentrated bluepea flower juice (this can be done by boiling a small amount of water with large amount of flowers)

Top Layer
  • 3 eggs
  • 200g coconut milk
  • 120g pandan juice
  • 140g sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 45g flour
  • 38g of corn flour

  1. This recipe is for 7-inch round pan about 1440 g so greased the pan with oil and line of round parchment at the bottom the pan then greased again with oil.
  2. By using other steaming pan or bowl, steam the glutinous rice for the bottom layer for about 25 mins at first then fluff up rice then drop the bluepea flower juice randomly to form a marbling then steam for another 5-10 mins or till cooked. For a more deeper color you can drop the juice after pressed the glutinous rice and wipe off excess.
  3. Press the cooked glutinous rice till packed in the greased pan earlier.
  4. For the custard layer, mix egg and sugar till sugar dissolved add in other ingredient followed by liquid then dry ingredient. Mix well then sift the mixture.
  5. Cook the mixture using double boiler method till thicken but it is still flowing can attempt the ribbon stage.
  6. Pour the mixture over the steamed glutinous rice. Cover it with an aluminium foil then steam in medium low heat for 45 mins-1 hour.
  7. Leave cool, unmold, cut, serve.

Tips :
  • Make sure you use double-boiler method to prevent the custard burn.
  • The glutinous rice must be really packed before pouring the custard it will ensure that not forming bubbles.
  • When pouring the custard makes sure that you pour carefully and slowly do not make bubbles.
  • Scoop out or pop the bubbles cuz this ensure smooth custard at the end.
  • Make sure you use a piece of cloth to wrap around the steaming lid prevention of water vapour drop on kuih this will cuz the custard to become ugly.

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